宝塔上传 ixed.8.0.lin 的地址:
由于 EvoCMS 不需要数据库,因此使用起来非常方便,无需担心 EvoCMS 安装和任何其他重要数据源之间出现问题。如果出现问题,通常可以非常轻松地恢复。
EvoCMS中的页面采用Markdown语法编写。Markdown 是一种纯文本格式语法,计算机可以轻松解析并转换为 HTML。它使用基本的文本符号来表示呈现方式(例如粗体、斜体、标题、列表等),因此无需了解 HTML 的复杂性即可轻松编写。Markdown 的优点包括错误率低、可读性强、易于学习和使用等。
user www-data;
The Quark theme has the ability to allow pages to override some of the default options by letting the user set body_classes
for any page. The theme will merge the combination of the defaults with any body_classes
set. This allows you to easily add hero classes to give your blog post some bling.
The Quark theme is the new default theme for Grav built with Spectre.css the lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. Spectre provides basic styles for typography, elements, and a responsive layout system that utilizes best practices and consistent language design.
Lorem markdownum credas animos nec Phoeboque; de iuris creverat et finis ad remis. Mox hanc innixus actum dabitur Amorum; esse erat paventem. Cum sole deque manu memores neu aurea sit est, ira.